Phase 1 (Development) Funding Update

Happy New Year to everyone, families, friends, neighbours and visitors.

An update on the tender process; the tender has gone out to interested parties for Phase One - generation of the specification and proposal documentation.

Contrary to the rumour, SDNP has not been awarded Phase 2 (Delivery) funding, this will not be considered until Phase 1 is complete and the proposal submitted.

Falmer Pond is only one part of a much larger bid that involves a wide range organisations covering sites over a large part of the South Downs National Park area.

The Phase 2 (Delivery) bid will be prepared through 2023 and submitted at the end of 2023 or early 2024. SDNP are the lead partner on this and a great deal of work needs to be undertaken to ensure the application is fully researched.

This is the purpose of the Phase 1 award. When we have a copy of the Phase 1 Proposal I will attach it to this site.

We also have a proposal from the rangers. Nick Lane has suggested that with a project such as this, it is good to have a documented record of the journey.

"A journey from the current problematic situation to a sustainable, community-maintained, amenity of immense value to the ecosystem..."

To this end we have a proposal from David Harbottle who is a 'fixed point progress photography' expert, particularly in relation to wildlife related projects.

We have an outline of costs, under £1k, but as this work would fall outside the parameters of the current lottery funding, would the Friends of Falmer Pond and members of the local community of Falmer consider fundraising to pay for this element of the project?

This bank of images would become part of Falmer's history and provide an incredibly important source of imagery for future generations. A vital legacy…


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